How equipment affects results

I was struck by all of the geometric lines. This is outside the Hatch Art Studios in downtown Springfield. (c) 2018 Eric Anderson

I’ve used Epson printers for quite some time.  Partially, this is because of historical laziness. Back in the day when dot-matrix printers ruled, Epson made the best ones. In many ways they still do. Epson’s small photo printers often do an amazing job.

Their wide-format printers, though, often proved a hassle. Paper jams, ink clogs followed me through at least three different models. Try as I might, I could never get my Epson 2000 to handle paper heavier than 200 gsm although it supposedly could. Last year, when we sold the house and moved to a smaller condo, I also sold the 2000 and planned to send larger format work to a commercial printer.

Sneaky Canon had different plans for me. Last June, Adorama started running a sale that was too good. Essentially, after rebate and freebies, I could get a Pixma Pro-100 for around $50. This is normally a $500 printer. So, I cleared off a space in the garage and waited.  Continue reading “How equipment affects results”

The Marketplace at Night

(c) 2018 Eric Anderson

The Marketplace in downtown Springfield, Ohio is a dramatic, historical building. The often-photographed clock tower is a well-known landmark.

This photograph was made from the balcony of a nearby hotel. Post-processing was tricky as there are strong light and dark areas. The initial pass was through Aurora HDR which brightened the colors and provided greater contrast. The next pass was through Alien Skin’s Exposure X3 which handled the black and white conversion. Final touchup consisted of some dodging and burning in Photoshop CC.

Prints are available here